IV Sedation – In-Office General Anesthesia

We are dedicated to providing care in the best way possible for each individual child. We may recommend that your child be treated via IV sedation. PDAA (Or Pediatric Dental Anesthesia Associates), comes to the office and uses IV Sedation to allow us to do dental work on children who are too young or too frightened for routine care in the office setting. Dr. Simoneau is Board Certified in both pediatrics and anesthesiology. Dr. Simoneau will provide anesthesia services for your child while Dr. Katie or Dr. Meg performs the dental procedures in a safe and controlled setting. This service is done here at our office.


General Anesthesia at CCHMC

We may recommend that your child be treated under general anesthesia at Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati. This allows us the advantage of providing your child the highest quality of dental care in a comfortable atmosphere. We are able render care in the operating room at CCHMC if your child has extensive treatment or situational anxiety. Care is also provided in the operating room for our patients who are medically compromised when we are not able to provide care safely in the office.